F&P RusticoLegno Srl is a firm born in 2008 from a solid 30 years of experience of the founder pursuing the main objective of spreading the appeal of the rustic wood. The range of services we offer enlightens the properties of the rustic timber and its capacity to give elegance merging gently the classical flavour of the past with the efficiency of the modern environments.


The rustic-like timber can be a great complement to your imagination and it allows you to create new spaces and to renovate the ones already existing, minding to safe the original functionality and guaranteeing a significant added value. We are constantly monitoring the market and the new trends in architecture and rustic timber.


Our R&D department enables us to offer a high quality service in contract manufacturing, reproducing the main patterns of the rustic timber that can compete with craftsman handwork in terms of expression but with the advantage of better timing and greater volume during the production process.






 Every entrepreneurial idea has its own story. Our starting point was the necessity to collect original rustic timber for an independent project. During this research we clashed against difficulties due to the peculiarity of the material such as the inadequacy of the conservation state and the high costs of the craftsmen’s handwork. We decided then to look for a solution that could both solve the current problem and open new opportunities. Thanks to a partnership with a local company we could test a prototype able to replicate the typical effects of grain and elegance that just the wood that faced the time has. The first attempts provided more than satisfactory outcomes and from the consequent enthusiasm. F&P RusticoLegno Srl was born. This is a young and dynamic entrepreneurship that improved its equipment in order to supply high volumes and to serve the different needs of the market. We would be glad to make you further discover our services throughtout the following webpages.